Ronald Weisz : Practice Makes a (Near) Perfect Golf Game

Ronald Weisz is an accomplished business professional and entrepreneur, having been responsible for the development and success of numerous companies over the course of his career.

And though much of his time and energy are geared toward the pursuit of business operations and profitability, Ronald Weisz rarely misses the opportunity to pursue another interest golf.

As Ronald Weisz knows, there are many ways the amateur golfer can improve his/her game, though a surefire way to get your game going in the right direction is, and has always been, practice.

To get the most from each practice experience, and to take steps toward really improving your game, remember to:

Know Your Weaknesses Those shots you’re most uncomfortable with? Well, those are the shots you should focus on most in practice.

Take Steps, Not Leaps Remember: you won’t be hitting like a pro overnight. Whether it’s driving, chipping or putting, be sure to make corrections incrementally, and not try to do so in one fell swoop. Read Full Post…

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Ronald Weisz : Becoming a Better Public Speaker

Ronald Weisz has been involved in the development, ownership and operation of numerous companies over the course of his career. As such, Ronald Weisz understands the importance of conveying oneself clearly and effectively; a skill essential to any effective business manager, owner or leader who needs to set expectations and build team cohesion in the pursuit of common business objectives.

Public speaking, as Ronald Weisz knows, isn’t always easy, though there are a few things everyone can do to better overcome its challenges, including:

Practice Practice Practice : Practicing what you will say to your audience, and doing so repeatedly, is one of the best ways to overcome the anxiety commonly affecting public speakers.

Gear Toward Your Audience : Know your audience. This is the best way to prepare a speech that really impacts them.

Grab Attention Quickly When preparing your speech, be sure to include a relevant anecdote or interesting data point that will capture their interest right off the bat.

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Ronald Weisz : Becoming a Better Rider

Ronald Weisz is an expert in horse training and riding, a lifetime member of the AQHA, and the owner of his very own equestrian training center. The Chairman of the Irish Quarter Horse Association for over five years, Ronald Weisz has been pursuing his hobby of training and riding horses since adolescence, and possesses a level of equestrian experience and expertise hard to find elsewhere.

Becoming an expert horseman like Ronald Weisz requires years of hands-on experience, though there are a few tips that may help you polish up your riding pattern. These include:
Isolated Movements. Precise, localized movements, such as keeping your shoulder still when lifting your hand, are integral to improving your form.

Everyday Riding. It may seem obvious, but taking the time to ride everyday helps to develop and hone good riding habits. Staying in the Saddle. Your equitation, or riding position, involves keeping your seat in the saddle as much as possible.

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Ronald Weisz : Knowing Your Politics

Ronald Weisz is an Ireland-based businessman and entrepreneur. As such, Ronald Weisz understands the importance of staying informed, particularly with regards to the policies implemented and actions taken by the politicians whose decisions affect how and to what severity companies and commerce are regulated.

Ronald Weisz

As Ronald Weisz knows, staying up-to-date on the latest in political development, while not always easy, is one of the best ways for business owners to protect their own interests. Knowing what’s going on tends to involve:

Making it a part of your routine. Setting aside a few minutes or even an hour a day to read the news can help you keep you in the know.

Narrowing your interests (online). By selecting news apps that intuitively know what you’re more or less likely to be interested in, you’re more likely to get the news most pertinent to you.

Getting involved. Perhaps one of the best ways to stay apprised of the latest political development is through hands-on involvement in local politics itself.

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